Prayer Ministry Next Steps 

We know that prayer ministry has been an important part of the worship life of St Bart’s. We have engaged parishioners to determine next steps for how it might be shaped even more faithfully, to be with God, with each other, and with community. 

 Prayer and Listening... What are we being called to do? 

Throughout May and June, we spoke with a range of parishioners (nearly 25% of those regularly attending services) to gain their perspectives and feelings about prayer ministry at St Bart’s. This has included looking at what has gone before, feedback on our current approaches, and what they would like to see ongoing. 

 Inform... What have we heard? 

Consistent themes we have heard include desires for: 

  • Prayer/anointing opportunities after every service. 

  • Prayerful recognition and/or blessings for birthdays and milestones. 

  • Continuation of seasonal prayers and silences within the liturgies. 

  • Training and opportunities for lay ministry in offering prayer (while understanding anointing is the role of a priest). 

  • Consistency across services so that prayer becomes the way of our worship life, rather than a one-off on the third Sunday. 

 Act... What we plan to try: 

Prayer and Anointing: 

  • This will be available after every service - both 7am and 9am, rather than only the third Sunday of the month. 

  • Prayer will occur with ordained clergy, nearby the church sanctuary - either in the front row or at the altar rail. 

  • Initially this will be led by ordained clergy. Over time we will review the potential for development of appropriate training and guidelines for lay ministry to be involved in prayer, while anointing is only administered by priests. 

    Thanksgiving for Birthdays and Milestones: 

  • At every service, following communion and during the time of ablutions, parishioners may approach for thanksgiving prayers and/or blessing for their birthday or a special life milestone. 

    Seasonal Prayers and Silences: 

  • We will continue to offer seasonal and reflective prayer and prayer spaces to suit the seasonal and liturgies. 

  • Silences will continue at start of service and after sermons. 

 When will this occur? 

  • Our new ways for prayer ministry will occur during the seven-week series on Ephesians: from 21st July to 28th August, 2024. 

  • After this time we will seek feedback on how we might further shape prayer ministry for the future.