Presentation from Sermon Lent 1 - Being With
The Power of Transformationl Relationships - Sermon on Acts 10.34 -43
Mission Action Planning - What is God calling us to be?
Sermon from 13 November 2022
Sermon - Transfiguration 27 March 2022
125th Anniversary Service - 9 am Sunday 20 February
Funeral for Glenda Hawes - live stream
ABM Tonga Appeal
I am sure you will share my concern for the people of Tonga following the recent volcanic eruption and tsunami and will be asking how we might offer practical assistance.
ABM have initiated the Tonga Emergency Appeal to support the work of Anglican Missions NZ who are working closely with the Anglican Diocese of Polynesia.
The goal of the appeal is to replenish emergency supplies at four Anglican churches in Nuku’alofa (the Capital of Tonga) as well as meeting other needs that are identified in coming days. All funds raised by ABM will go to Anglican Missions NZ who are working closely with the Anglican Diocese of Polynesia.
Details of the Appeal and how to donate can be found here:
I commend the ABM Tonga Emergency Appeal to you and ask that you to make it known to your congregations and friends.
I also ask that you to join with me in offering this prayer written by ABM staff:
Loving God,
We pray for the people of Tonga,
for all affected by the volcano and tsunami,
for those who have died or lost loved ones, for those who have been injured, for those who have lost homes and livelihoods.
We pray that their urgent needs may be met,
that nations will be generous in showing their support,
and that they will be resilient in the face of crisis.
We pray too that communications may soon be restored.
This we ask in the name of Jesus, your son, our Lord. Amen
Yours in Christ,
The Right Reverend Cameron Venables Archbishop’s Commissary
Sermon 30 January 2022 | 1 Corinthians 13.1-13| The Rev'd Michael Stalley
Sermon 23 January 2022 | 1 Corinthians 12.12-31| The Rev'd Michael Stalley
Change of Heart - Common Grace
Aunty Jean Phillips, Senior Aboriginal Christian Leader, invites the nation to #ChangeTheHeart on Tuesday 25 January 2022 7:30pm AEDT
Join together with open ears, eyes, minds, and hearts, with prayer, and in diverse unity, to #ChangeTheHeart of Australia, as we approach January 26
ACSQ - Livestream from other Parishes
Online Worship
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