Stewards of God’s Creation

There are many resources that can be found on the Season for Creation 2021 Website.   There are suggestions to encourage sustainable living, and making lifestyle changes on an individual level. You could even calculate your carbon footprint using an online ecological footprint calculator  like I did last week.  Some local links have also been provided in this week’s Focus to help us all with recycling. 

Some other suggestions include engaging your local ecology through an Earth Examen. An examen is a way of beholding an object or being present in prayerful wonder. Through a series of questions, you are invited to reflect on God’s presence and the goodness of that which you behold. During this Season of Creation, consider contemplating a part of your local ecology. This is an exercise that you can choose to do alone, or with a group. Pick a natural or agricultural place to contemplate. A forest. A river. A city street with a natural area. An urban park. A farmer’s field. A hilltop. Find a comfortable place to rest in or near this place. Enter into prayer in whatever way is natural to you. Invite Holy Wisdom to open the eyes of your heart. When you are ready, use theresource guide to help you in this spiritual practice. It can be located in the Guide on the Season of Creation Celebration Guide website using the website address above. 

As we all know, prayer is a powerful experience and tool that we can use to raise awareness at this time about God’s creation and I encourage you to pray the following prayer this week as it ties in with our theme for this week ‘Need not Greed’

A prayer from the Season of Creation Resources. 

Oh God of creatures small and great

We are full of worries and cares

Yet you called us to follow you

To the hidden and distant places

So that we might care for others

You shower us with love and abundance

Yet daily we fret it will be all lost

We count, store up and hoard things

Help us to share your generosity

We want to be genuinely grateful

As we fall to see how love has redeemed us 

We keep that love for ourselves as if

You don’t have an endless supply for all

Help us to follow you here and now

Help us to care for the most vulnerable

Give us that love that casts out fear

Set us on the blessing road of your servants. 


Blessings Rev. Erika
