Endings and Beginnings

This time of year often brings endings and beginnings. This is the pattern of our Christian life that we find in the story of Jesus.

We generally find endings difficult because we leave behind the familiar and known. Beginnings are the place in which new hope and surprising possibilities are found.

We are preparing for such a celebration in the story of a Child born among us who brought with him great expectations. Today we have both an ending and a beginning in our church.

Today we farewell The Rev'd Erika Williams. Erika's short appointment to the parish has been a blessing. Erika's generous and welcoming nature has been experienced by many. We have also benefitted from her keen understanding of God's mission and leadership abilities. I am personally grateful for the support and friendship she has shown me during this time. Her contributions to the life of this parish will continue to be felt for some time to come. I encourage you to keep Erika, Adam and their family in your prayers in this time of endings and new beginnings for them.

Today we welcome The Rev'd Gary Tognola as he begins his time as the Assistant Curate in the parish.

Gary was ordained in St John's Cathedral yesterday and appointed by the Archbishop to our parish for the next two years. We are looking forward to getting to know Gary as he takes up his part in the ministry of this place. Would you please uphold Gary, Janelle and their family in this time of endings and new beginnings?