Celebrating Ministry

Last weekend I was blessed to attend the celebration service marking 100 years of Anglican Ministry in the Brisbane suburb of The Gap. I grew up at The Gap, and this church played an integral role in my faith development. It was from here that my sense of call to ordained ministry was nurtured and affirmed. I am grateful that the St Bart's community offered me the opportunity to be a part of this celebration and share it with my mother, brother and daughter.

My late father wrote a parish history that began in 1920 until the early 2000s. This history has been recently extended and updated, and three generations of Stalley's presented it to Bp Jeremy Greaves during the service on Sunday. The revised history includes interviews with people who have entered into ordained ministry from St Mark's, including one with myself.

Many of you will be aware that The Rev'd Ann Edwards has recently begun as the Associate Priest at The Gap. Ann is an example of someone who found their way into ordained ministry through our parish of Mt Gravatt.

Bp Jeremy preached a very relevant sermon for us all in this Easter season. In recognising the long history of ministry in that parish, he encouraged those present to see the celebration as only the beginning that our Christian journey is one of continually becoming like Jesus Christ.

This idea remains my prayer for our Church at Mt Gravatt. We have a long history of loving ministry that we can celebrate. As our response to Easter, how are we now being called to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ.

How will our life together Tell, Teach, Tend, Transform and Treasure like that of the life of Jesus Christ;

To know Jesus Christ, and make Christ known.

Rev’d Michael Stalley