We’re Adapting Well

We have made it a priority to do what we can to adapt quickly to changing circumstances.  The last time we had to lock down, we only had 24 hours notice before our Church services.  I get a little nervous every time an active case appears on the news in Queensland.  We are increasing our capacity to respond to the various needs of being "The Anglican Church in Mt Gravatt."  This response is all the more challenging when we have such a diverse church.  Can I assure you that we keep in mind the needs of those who have limited access to the internet or email for each technological response we are undertaking? I would even suggest that this technology will make possible a spectrum of responses in communication, care, and worship.

One of these responses has been to develop our meeting room to facilitate hybrid gatherings, meetings, bible studies and worship.  This last week, we gathered ten people face-to-face and five online for the latest Mission 360 Workshop.  I know that some of those online would not have been able to attend if this option was unavailable.  This improved room means we can quickly move into this online environment with minimal setup.  I expect this facility will be used daily in our church and allow for greater use by the wider church.  Importantly we will soon have the ability to include more isolated church members to join the worship and other events simply using their home telephone.

You may be aware that this meeting room has become a convenient place to archive files and store library books.  The library has played a role in the faith life of this church but of recent times seen little use.  I am very grateful to the many who had donated books and volunteered to maintain the library over the years.  To help us make the most of that space for our current needs, we are working towards removing the bookshelves and find alternate storage and disposal of material stored here.  The library books have been boxed and are currently in the hall meeting room.  Over the next few weeks, we will make them available to the congregation to take for your use.  After this period, we will donate to a suitable charitable organisation that holds second-hand bookstalls.

Be assured we remain committed to providing resources and material to support lifelong faith formation in our parish.  To find ways to "Know Christ and make Christ known."

God Bless,

The Rev’d Michael Stalley