Charleville Visit

You may be aware of the "Covenant Relationship" made between our Parish and the western Parish of Charleville. This relationship has a long history and is renewed every five years by the Clergy and wardens of each Parish. It was last renewed in March of 2020. In this Covenant, we committed to a relationship of mutual support for our shared worship and mission and developing relationships between our people.

Since last March, there has been a change of Clergy in both parishes and the pandemic. I will be travelling with Bp Cameron Venables on the 3rd & 4th of October to Roma, Charleville and Augathella to celebrate with these communities.

I hope this will be part of our broader conversation about how we can partner in God's mission and how this Covenant fits into the action planning we are undertaking over the next year.  

Here is a reminder of the wording of the Covenant;

We, the Clergy and churchwardens, on behalf of the Faith Communities of Mt Gravatt and Charleville do covenant ourselves in Twinning Relationship and herby commit ourselves to:

• Pray daily for the ministries of each other's Parish and life together;

• Exchange visits annually, without onerous expectations, for the purpose of establishing:

• A sharing in Christian Faith and Worship;

• An understanding and empathy in daily living;

• Clergy support, including the invitation from time to time to preach or celebrate the sacraments; and

• Valued friendship

In Addition, the Parishioners at Mt Gravatt offer hospitality to :

• Parishioners, and supporting family members from Charleville, referred for medical treatment in the Princess Alexandra (P.A) and Mater Hospitals; and

• Review this Covenant after a period of five years commencing from the date of signing.