Mission Action Plan - The Next Steps

At the 125th Anniversary service, we commissioned three reflection groups to guide the next steps in our Mission Action Planning process. Last Saturday, about 20 people from our parish came together to
engage in these groups that we call Head, Heart and Hand. We also added a fourth group that we are calling Feet. On this day, we reminded ourselves of the process so far, recognising that we are currently asking the question, "Where are we now?"

 These groups help us focus discussion on core aspects of the church's mission. Head for teaching and proclaiming, Heart for care, worship and community and Hand for justice and creation. The fourth group, Feet, relates to essential aspects of the church's life that support our mission, such as finances, governance and buildings.

 As a big group, we pondered, "If our Church suddenly disappeared, who would notice, and what would they miss?" We then focused on how each reflection group might gather information about our church and community that will help us ask our next question, "What is God calling us to do?"

 In all of this, I remind us all that following a process is essential. Rushing to solutions often fails to appreciate all the opportunities before us. Rushing to solutions usually means we are only listening to
ourselves. Listening and watching for God requires patience and
vulnerability that opens new possibilities based on listening, praying and wise discernment.

 Please let me know if you would like to add your voice to this conversation. I can then connect you to those committed to this process and keep you informed about upcoming opportunities to join in.

 Rev Michael Stalley
