News for Sunday 30 January

In last weeks readings, Paul wrote about the significance of communities who find their unity through God's Holy Spirit. The reading reminded us that diversity in the Church is a gift necessary for building up our life together. He also reminds us that if anyone is missing, we are the lessor for it! These words of Paul's in the First Letter to the Corinthians resonate in me regularly; "If one member suffers, all suffer together with it (them); if one member is honoured, all rejoice together with it (them)." At this time, we are aware of those who are missing or are experiencing illness or isolation.

Last Monday, we celebrated the life of Fr. Michael Ingall in a memorial service led by The Rev'd Gary Smith at St Bart's. We were again reminded of Michael's determination to share the Good News throughout his life and ministry. The memorial service was recorded and can be watched by following this link.

I am aware of seeking to remain connected to those who are more isolated at the moment. This seeking connection means both providing ways of staying connected to the worship life of our Church and seeking to meet the pastoral needs as they arise.

We continue to provide some online worship resources on our website. These resources include a liturgy for use at home, some music links, and recordings of the latest sermons as they are available. These resources are most easily accessed by following the "Church Online" menu link at the top of the page. You can also find other resources such as prayer resources from the Church of England and other live-streamed services.

Finally, we seek to make sure that each member of our Church is connected to others. This connection might be through home groups, home visits, delivery of the Focus or a pastoral care team member. Can I encourage us as a community to be intentional in connecting to those around us? You can assist them in accessing our online resources, or perhaps let me know if you think we can follow up on any particular pastoral needs?

God’s Peace