News from Charleville - February 2022

News from Charleville

From Irene Frances (Lay Minister in Charleville Parish) edited with permission by The Rev'd Michael. Stalley

I have been very busy on several fronts this year. As Lay Minister at All Saints Anglican Church, I have conducted three more funerals in the past five weeks, the last two on Saturday in Charleville and Monday morning in Augathella, about 90km away. In addition, I organised the combined churches Church service held on Sunday (we have one when there is a fifth Sunday in the month). The Lutheran minister led the service, which had an Australia Day theme. It was well attended, and these services are being described as a blessing to those who attend. On Sunday afternoon, I also had a meeting with key people from the different churches to discuss future events for this year. This includes a combined Alpha course to begin after Easter and a community picnic lunch on Easter Sunday, as well as further combined church services. It’s going to be a full year again.

One of the challenges of rural living is the distances we have to travel for medical services. My doctor recently sent me for tests in Roma. A ten-minute appointment required 6 hrs driving. This was made more please by how green the country side currently is.

So, life here is challenging, enjoyable, rich in so many ways and seldom mundane. It would be wonderful to have a minister to lead us, but Lindy and I do enjoy managing to guide our little flock. We have about 8 to 10 people each week and we are all learning to care for one another in practical ways.

I have begun visiting people in our aged care facility again and will begin our monthly services there tomorrow. These will primarily be song services as this seems to be what residents prefer. I’ll be using YouTube and Bluetooth to play older hymns, which they may recall from their younger days.

I am blessed to have contact with Rev’d Mark Vincent, St Paul’s Anglican Church, East Brisbane, who often phones to see how I’m going and has become something of a mentor for me. He’s teaching me how to say “no” to those things I am expected to do but which I do not have time or energy to follow up on. It surprises me how much is expected of me in this role when I am not ordained and I am well over the age of priests to continue in this work. It can be quite lonely in this role, hence why I appreciate Mark’s input and of course, Lindy’s care and support.

Lindy never ceases to amaze me with how much she does for our church and the community. Lindy and her husband have a property about 100km out of town as well as their town house, and she works for Anglicare as well as being a music teacher and very involved in organising the annual Charleville Performing Arts Festival, as well as being involved in the Charleville Show. Lindy has a rich Anglican heritage and her understanding of the Anglican scene is very helpful; she puts me straight when I get a bit lost in it. I think we are a good team – she is also the church Treasurer, and is preparing for the AGM to be held on Sunday.

That’s about it for now.

Many blessings to you and the St Bart’s family.