
Celebrating the life of Fr. Michael Ingall

It was with sadness that we received the news of the passing of The Rev'd Michael Ingall during this week. Michael has played a vital role for many in this parish and throughout his ministry.

Michael was ordained in the Diocese of Ballarat in 1964. He served in numerous parishes in Ballarat and the Diocese of Bendigo. He moved to be Rector of the parish of Sunnybank in 1990 until retirement in 2002.

I have had the joy to meet with Michael occasionally over the last year. During our time together, his passion for sharing the Gospel remained clear. This passion was seen in his continuing ministry with other residents in the community he lived. During our time together, Michael expressed his gratitude for his welcome at St Bart's after retirement. Here he continued to contribute to the church's life and the spiritual needs of its people.

A memorial service for Michael is to be held on Monday 24 January at 10.30 am, followed by refreshments in the hall. The number of people in the church for the memorial is limited to 100. A live stream of the service will be available, and the link found on the parish website before the service.

Please uphold Michael's family at this time as we celebrate his life and commend him to God's eternal care.

God's Peace

Michael Stalley