National Church Life Survey

At the end of 2021, we launched a discernment process that seeks to listen to what God is calling this church to in its mission. We are seeking to be intentional about listening and responding to God; To know Christ, and to make Christ Known. This Mission Action Planning, or MAP, remains important even as we negotiate the challenges of uncertainty for our church in 2022. The basic process we are following is to ask three questions. Where are we now? Where is God calling us to? How do we get there?

One of the main tools we have chosen to help answer the first question is the National Church Life Survey. I am inviting you to complete this survey before the end of this month.

NCLS Research is a joint venture started by Australian church mission agencies in the early 1990s. Their research areas include studying Australian spirituality, church health, effective and sustainable leadership, and the connections between church and community. The most well known five-yearly project is called the National Church Life Survey, which has had millions of participants.

It is clear that the survey will be of most use if we have a response from the majority of our regular members. This survey will form a critical part of our planning process as it provides us with helpful information about our church and community. Therefore, we are seeking as many members of our congregation as possible to complete this 20-minute survey. You can complete a survey on a Sunday morning at church or online using the details provided on request or in the parish focus.

God's Peace

A Letter From Charleville

Life is hectic to say the least. I have been coordinator of the community churches and together we were working towards the inaugural Christmas Spectacular.  This was on Saturday Dec 4, and it was a wonderfully successful event. Attended by about 200 people with the Catholic priest, Father Warren, being Angel Gabriel, and the Christian Outreach Centre’s Pastor’s wife being Mary. We had a group of Vietnamese singers presenting songs in their language and the Solomon Islanders singing appropriate Gospel songs.  It was a great night. Of course, very tiring to put together, but together we did it.  This is one of the positive comments that came our way, from a friend who does not go to church: 

It was a lovely night - weather was beautiful- aero guard worked well - chance to catch up with friends and relax - entertainment was just delightful - great participation from the crowd - generous free BBQ and ice cream that the kids loved - and a lovely re-enactment of the story of Jesus. 

So far this year I have taken 14 funerals, the last one was in the Charleville church, with the graveside service in Mitchell, 200 km away – four hours driving all up.  I was grateful for Lindy Sommerville’s company for that trip, a chance to catch up on church business.  

The Rev’d Cheryl Selvage has made connection with our parish in several ways.  Most particularly providing a caring pastoral contact when people from this district find themselves in hospital.  We look forward to her visiting us in the west again to catch up with those she has provided care. 

We have used your advent videos, hope and peace so far, and they are appreciated.  Bishop Cam will be out on the 19th Dec for the Christmas Eucharist and we’re looking forward to seeing him again. 

Next year I’m hoping to have an English class for a group of the Solomon Islanders, at the request of one of the girls.  Many feel self-conscious about speaking English although most manage quite well. 

Above all, I value your prayer support. That’s about it for now. Thank you for caring for us, and may all at St Bart’s have a wonderful, God-enriching Christmas and a very blessed New Year. 

Many blessings, 

Irene Frances. 

Endings and Beginnings

This time of year often brings endings and beginnings. This is the pattern of our Christian life that we find in the story of Jesus.

We generally find endings difficult because we leave behind the familiar and known. Beginnings are the place in which new hope and surprising possibilities are found.

We are preparing for such a celebration in the story of a Child born among us who brought with him great expectations. Today we have both an ending and a beginning in our church.

Today we farewell The Rev'd Erika Williams. Erika's short appointment to the parish has been a blessing. Erika's generous and welcoming nature has been experienced by many. We have also benefitted from her keen understanding of God's mission and leadership abilities. I am personally grateful for the support and friendship she has shown me during this time. Her contributions to the life of this parish will continue to be felt for some time to come. I encourage you to keep Erika, Adam and their family in your prayers in this time of endings and new beginnings for them.

Today we welcome The Rev'd Gary Tognola as he begins his time as the Assistant Curate in the parish.

Gary was ordained in St John's Cathedral yesterday and appointed by the Archbishop to our parish for the next two years. We are looking forward to getting to know Gary as he takes up his part in the ministry of this place. Would you please uphold Gary, Janelle and their family in this time of endings and new beginnings?